Watch: The Claw 2021 123movies, Full Movie Online – This documentary tells the Jekyll-and-Hyde story of James Raschke, a shy and awkward boy from Nebraska who grows up to live in infamy as Baron von Raschke, one of the greatest super villains in the history of professional wrestling and master of the world-famous Claw hold. Despite his intimidating appearance and menacing German persona, the Baron is actually a college-educated, loving and sensitive family man, who cries watching TV commercials and disguises his huge bald head in a blond wig because he doesn’t want to get attacked by angry fans while at church on Sundays. Directed by iconic music video director Philip Harder (Prince, Foo Fighters), The Claw uses rare Super 8 family footage, 16mm vintage clips, and raucous re-creations starring Jim Raschke himself, who resurrects his infamous red satin cape and acts out the most outrageous moments of his own extraordinary life..
Plot: A documentary about legendary wrestler and all around supervillain Baron von Raschke by director Philip Harder.
Smart Tags: #wrestler #professional_wrestling
123movies | FMmovies | Putlocker | GoMovies | SolarMovie | Soap2day
7.2/10 Votes: 6 | |
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N/A Votes: 0 Popularity: 2.89 | TMDB |
There can only be one CLAWMASTER!!!
You have to a bit eccentric and athletic to survive fifty years in the squared circle with the likes of Mad Dog Vachon and the Crusher (Reggie Lisowski…the wrestler who made Milwaukee famous). He had a red cape and a one of a kind look and demeanor. When Mad Dog and Vern Gagne recruited him, he developed his voice and his style and his claw. When Mad Dog saw him putting the ring together he kept saying “You would make a good German!” Mad Dog wanted to call him Baron Von Pumpkin (no one is perfect). But Raschke learned to overcome his shyness during interviews and a Berlin star was born (no worries he is a U. S. Army veteran) with his unique vocalizations complimenting the Dog, he developed the Claw. The rest is fifty years of wrestling history. “And dat is all da people need to know!” (holding up the claw sign…)
There can only be one CLAWMASTER!!!
You have to a bit eccentric and athletic to survive fifty years in the squared circle with the likes of Mad Dog Vachon and the Crusher (Reggie Lisowski…the wrestler who made Milwaukee famous). He had a red cape and a one of a kind look and demeanor. When Mad Dog and Vern Gagne recruited him, he developed his voice and his style and his claw. When Mad Dog saw him putting the ring together he kept saying “You would make a good German!” Mad Dog wanted to call him Baron Von Pumpkin (no one is perfect). But Raschke learned to overcome his shyness during interviews and a Berlin star was born (no worries he is a U. S. Army veteran) with his unique vocalizations complimenting the Dog, he developed the Claw. The rest is fifty years of wrestling history. “And dat is all da people need to know!” (holding up the claw sign…)
Original Language en
Runtime N/A
Budget 0
Revenue 0
Status Released
Rated N/A
Genre Documentary
Director Philip Harder
Writer Cory McLeod, Danny Nevitt, Karl Raschke
Actors Kevin Anderson, Deanna Arce, Ken Arii
Country United States
Awards 1 win & 1 nomination
Production Company N/A
Website N/A
Sound Mix N/A
Aspect Ratio N/A
Camera N/A
Laboratory N/A
Film Length N/A
Negative Format N/A
Cinematographic Process N/A
Printed Film Format N/A